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Last Updated: Mon Jan 27 11:18:09 UTC 2014

  Sukhoi/NAPO Su-34 Fullback
Production Aircraft at Lipetsk

Photographic Essay APA-PE-2012-0201

by Vitaliy V. Kuzmin
Text and lineart © 2012 Carlo Kopp
Photographic images Public Domain Vitaliy V. Kuzmin

Sukhoi/NAPO Su-34 Fullback bomber taxiing at Lipetsk.

This photographic essay details the LRIP production configuration of the Su-34 Fullback in production camouflage, deployed at the Russian Air Force Lipetsk AB in January, 2012. Lipetsk performs a role analogous to Nellis AFB, and is often used for initial tactics development with new aircraft designs.

The basic configuration of the intended production Su-32MF/Su-34 aircraft is a multirole deep strike fighter, intended to perform the battlefield interdiction, close air support and deep strike roles previously performed by the Su-24 in Russia
and the F-111 in Australia, and the F-15E currently in the US. In addition the Russians envisage a long endurance / range air combat role for the aircraft, with the intent to use it to attack ISR platforms with stand off missiles; in this respect its tasking reflects early US Air Force thinking on the F-111 series.

In January, 2012, the author of this photoessay had the opportunity to visit Lipetsk and collected an extensive photographic record, using a semi-professional Canon EOS5D Mark II 21.0 Megapixel digital camera, which proved especially good at capturing fine detail. The images have been cropped to minimise download time.


  1. Imagery: Canon EOS5D Mark II 21.0 MP cropped and reduced;
  2. The Su-34 is detailed in APA Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0108 Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback / Russia's New Heavy Strike Fighter.

Su-34 Fullbacks on the Lipetsk flightline, in developmental segmented disruptive pattern camouflage, and production two tone camouflage [Click to enlarge].

The new camouflage comprises an upper surface tone similar to the FS 36076 dark grey employed on some SAC FB-111A Aardvarks at the end of the Cold War, while the lower surfaces employ a characteristic Russian Air Force sky blue similar to FS 35250. Radomes are white, and the distinctive black anti-dazzle area on the nose is retained. The insignia are the Russian Federation red-white-blue-red rather than Cold War era Soviet red-white-red stars [Click to enlarge].

Fullback on the taxiway [Click to enlarge].

Fullback on the taxiway [Click to enlarge].

Fullback at the holding point [Click to enlarge].

Fullback high alpha low speed pass, note the canard deflection [Click to enlarge].

Fullback lower surfaces, note the tailboom dispenser and centreline dual rack [Click to enlarge].

Fullback upper surfaces, note the flush satcom radome [Click to enlarge].

Fullback touching down, note the tandem gear [Click to enlarge].

Above, below, drag chute deployment [Click to enlarge].

Imagery Sources: Vitaliy V. Kuzmin

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