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Last Updated: Mon Jan 27 11:18:09 UTC 2014

Contrails is the Air Power Australia  page dedicated to correspondence and visitor contributions. If you would like to submit your perspective, analysis, thoughts, or other insights, email the APA editorial team at apawadmin_AT_ausairpower.net. Confidential submissions are accepted only providing that full identification of the contributor can be verified, and the APA editorial team reserves the right to make editorial changes as required.

Letters, Notes and Transcripts

John Peake,
Sydney, Australia
Submission to APA 28/01/2007 Notes of Meeting with Mr Denis Hughes, Aerospace Adviser to the Minister for Defence
Terry McCarthy, Cherrybrook, Australia Submission to APA 26/07/2005 Letter to the Editor
Graeme Palmer, Springwood, Australia Submission to APA 08/06/2005 Letter to the Editor
Peter Goon Letter to APA Visitors
27/03/2006 The Great Debate - A Call To Arms
Peter Goon Letter to APA Visitors 23/03/2006 The Great Debate

The Great Debate Correspondence Files

The APA Great Debate Correspondence Files is a collection of contributed electronic and hardcopy communications between APA contributors and key players in the development and implementation of Defence policy in Australia, be they in Federal Parliament or the Defence bureaucracy in Canberra.  If you have any such correspondence you would like to make public, APA would be most interested in discussing the matter further.

Notes / Comments

2007 Correspondence Items

Joe Hockey MP
John R Peake

28/06/2007 John R Peake Hon John Howard PM
John R Peake Joe Hockey MP
Joe Hockey MP
John R Peake
Acdre Ted Bushell
Hon John Howard PM
John R Peake
Hon John Howard PM

Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley

2006 Correspondence Items

John R Peake
Hon John Howard PM

08/11/2006 Peter Goon Bruce Billson MP

07/11/2006 Peter Goon Bronwyn Bishop MP

Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley
Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley
Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley
Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley
Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley

2005 Correspondence Items

18/08/2005 Philip Gaetjens (Peter Costello MP)
Peter Goon
Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley; Dr Stephen Gumley
18/07/2005 Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley; Dr Stephen Gumley

18/07/2005 Peter Goon LtGen David Hurley
18/07/2005 LtGen David Hurley
Peter Goon

06/07/2005 Peter Goon Peter Costello MP

29/03/2005 Peter Goon Peter Costello MP

Peter Goon
Sen Robert Hill;  Sen Nick Minchin

People's Liberation Army Air Power Index Page [Click for more ...]
Military Ethics, Culture, Education and Training Index Page [Click for more ...]
Russian / Soviet Weapon Systems Index Page [Click for more ...]

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